We are committed to making your job easier and providing you best the tips to make your event successful.
Neighborhood Block Parties in Chicagoland
1. Allow anywhere from 2 to 3 months to plan the event. Prepare a mid-winter questionnaire to determine a date and volunteer participation.
2. Choose a chairperson for your event and create a planning committee.
3. These will be the people in charge of food, activities, clean up, party supply rentals, and decorations.
4. Assign a person to handle permits, local requirements, etc. This information can be obtained by contacting your township o?ce or public works department
5. Announcements and assignments should be sent out and any rental arrangements should be made at least a month before the event is held.
6. Health and safety is your #1 priority. When grilling, preparing, or serving food be sure to have the proper equipment to keep all foods at required temperatures. Contact your local health agencies regarding sanitary food handling practices.
7. When making rental arrangements do not forget any barricades needed to block streets, tables and chairs, tents, buffet equipment, BBQ grills, concession equipment, and portable washrooms with handwashing facilities.
8. Invite your local police, ?re and public works department to visit and give safety demonstrations and tours of their vehicles.
9. With a rented video projector, you can turn a garage door into a movie screen. This will help to keep the kids in one spot after dark and it’s a great way the show movies or videos from previous block parties.
10. Organize contests and group activities e.g. water balloons, egg toss, sack races, tug-a-war, volleyball, etc. Make sure adult supervision is available to monitor kid's activities such as fun jump, dunk tank, and water games. And remember, a pet parade is a great way to meet all your neighbors.
11. Please be conscious of alcohol consumption during your event and take any precautions to ensure everyone has a safe and enjoyable time.